You might encounter some people or web developers talking about the website’s UX and UI. These two words are considered as key elements in the development process of any website. Like other web developers, these two key-elements are also essential to WordPress developers and designers. Generally, people use these two words interchangeably in the flow, but in reality, they got whole different meanings.

It might not be wrong if we say that UX and UI are the two different sides of the same coin. These two elements matter a lot while developing any website. In this article, we will get an insightful overview of these two elements and how they serve as an essential element for the web development process. So, without any further delay, Let’s dive into it.

What Is UX Design?

The UX design stands for User-Experience design. In simple words, the experience is any interaction that someone can have with a product. And the user is, well, people like you.

Let’s understand it using an example for a good UX.

For good user-experience, think of a bowl full of cereals that you eat in your breakfast. When you take a spoon full of it in your mouth, you feel an awesome taste. Well, that is what we call a good user experience. Similarly, in the case of websites, a user-experience is an interaction you have when you navigate through products or elements of the website. You mostly like to visit sites that are easy to use or where you can find products with easy navigation steps.

What Is UI Design?

The UI design stands for User-Interface design. A user-interface is a layout or apparent structure of any website. It includes several elements like buttons that users tap on, the images, the text they read, animations, and any sort of visual elements.

For example, for increasing the volume of the television, the “volume up” button is available on your TV remote. You press that button and can see increasing volume levels on your TV screen. This is what we call a user-interface. Similarly, in the case of websites, a user-interaction is like interacting with different elements of any site, Like, clicking on any video on YouTube. UI is not about how website elements work; it is about how much user-friendly these elements are when you interact with them.

WordPress Design and Importance of UX and UI

In this section, we will discuss the importance of UX and UI in WordPress design.


Generally, most of the users judge any website by spending a few seconds on its homepage or landing page. If your website’s content and elements are arranged in a user-friendly manner, then it means your website is worth exploring. This is how UX determines how successful your website will turn out after the development process.

Your site’s success is usually measured by the time duration spent by your visitors on your website. It’s only possible when the overall experience of your website is user-friendly and engaging. Your website design matters a lot in this regard. If your web design is attractive and easy-to-navigate, then you will experience higher user traffic and minimum risk of losing your visitors.

No doubt, it is easier to operate a WordPress admin panel as compared to other CMS systems. You should keep in mind that once your website starts growing, your admin panel should have some more options. This may make your admin panel difficult to manage, but you can use a personalized dashboard by installing any WordPress plugin of your choice.


One of the main reasons for seeing an influx of traffic on your WordPress website is user-interface (UI). It attracts more users to your site and urges them to spend more time there. This is how people start to recommend your site to their friends and relatives and become loyal customers.

Do you know a small change in UI design can change a visitor’s behavior? A visitor clicks on buttons that are attractive in shape and provide information that the visitor needs. People are attracted to visuals, and UI is all about the layout or structure of your website. You should be a little bit of choosy while selecting the shape of buttons, font of the text, and color schemes during the WordPress website development process.

Ways to Enhance the UI and UX of Your Website

  • Your web design must be consistent.
  • Your web design must be engaging and responsive.
  • There must be no ambiguity in your web design – It must be clear and easy to use.
  • Your content must be consistent with your web design.
  • The animations must be smooth and attractive.

Bottom Line:

Considering UI and UX during website development and designing process is the best approach. You won’t experience any issues if you consider these two elements in the web building process, because afterward, making changes to the UI and UX of your website can be quite overwhelming and may require a lot of your precious time.